Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are you having SEX when what you REALLY want is INTIMACY?!

Hi Everyone!! :o)

I hope you're having a great day!!

Intimacy is scary. It involves being genuinely, emotionally close to someone. The trouble is - the closer we are to someone - the greater the chance there is of being hurt. But intimacy [Often defined as 'love, closeness and tenderness' - among other things] is what most of us are really seeking. It's what we REALLY want. It's what we are REALLY looking for in a relationship. But because most of us are afraid of what might happen IF we get 'too close' to someone [And if THEY get 'too close' to US] we have [often] settled for something that leaves us feeling even more empty and alone. And that something is SEX.

A few years ago - before 'Brokeback Mountain' was released and shown in theatres all across the country - it was shown to a select group of people in order to see how an audience would respond. This is often done with movies in order to see if any more editing should be done. Interestingly - a few people felt uncomfortable enough with the movie that they left the theatre. But what's most interesting about that is WHEN they left. Those who left the theatre didn't leave when Ennis Del Mar [Played by Heath Ledger] had anal sex in a tent with Jack Twist. [Played by Jake Gyllenhaal] They left when Ennis and Jack were being INTIMATE with each other. [Which took place a little later in the movie] It was NOT two guys having SEX that upset some of those who left the theatre. But two guys being INTIMATE. That was a clear example of the sort of fear some people have of intimacy.

Can a person have sex with someone that they also have an intimate relationship with? Absolutely. And that's when sex is wonderful. But many of us - I believe - are using sex as a substitute for being intimate. So it's no wonder that so many of us feel even lonelier and even more 'empty' inside after having sex. And that's because we expected sex to make us FEEL more intimate with someone. But it doesn't always work that way. In fact - I think it rarely works that way. Which is why - for many people - sex is a disappointment. And no wonder. Oh sure - having sex can be fun WHILE we are having sex. But if sex really lived up the 'promise' of making us feel 'whole' and 'content' - then why are so many people still so lonely, sad and 'empty' inside - even if they are having sex? And why are those who have had multiple sex partners even lonelier still? [Which is often the case]

Using my signature quote but the changing the words a little - I came up with the following.

"It takes FAR MORE COURAGE to be INTIMATE with someone than it does to have SEX with that someone!!"

Do yourself a favour. The next time you have sex [Or the first time you have sex] ask yourself how 'intimate' you are with that someone you are thinking of having sex with. If you don't feel that there truly is an emotional bond with that 'someone else' - then maybe you should work on that BEFORE having sex with them. Or simply chose not to have sex at all. At least not until you find someone that you can be intimate with.

I should also say that intimacy is a BIG part of what makes two people 'best friends'.

Craig!! :o)

Monday, January 07, 2008

The new CFL light bulbs. A great idea!! Right?!

Hi Everyone!! :o)

I hope you're OK.

To go 'green' - "Simply replace the usual 75-watt incandescent light bulbs with 18-watt compact fluorescent light bulbs. These provide about the same light output, use a fraction of the energy and last up to 13 times longer." Says an article from BBC NEWS.

Sounds wonderful - doesn't it?!

And only a SELFISH person, someone who does NOT care about the world we live in, would refuse to use the new bulbs. RIGHT?!

Maybe. But then again - maybe not.

Without question - those incandescent light bulbs that we have all been using for 100+ years ARE energy inefficient. Most of the energy they create turns into HEAT and not LIGHT.

But just how much do we REALLY KNOW about the CFL's?! [Compact Fluorescent Light-bulbs]

And are they SAFE?!

SURE... if we all used them [And we will very soon not have a right to choose whether or not we do] 'we' will save money and energy.

But I ask again.... ARE THEY SAFE?!

According to Canada's 'EnergyStar' website [A website in favour of the new bulbs] this is what you do if you ever BREAK a CFL.

"Open the windows, leave the room and close the door. After an hour or so, the air will have circulated. Using gloves, sweep the bits of broken CFL into some newspaper. Avoid using a vacuum. Wipe the area well with a disposable cloth. Place the debris and the rag into a seal-able plastic bag and dispose of it as you would any HAZARDOUS material. It will be safe in a cardboard box until this is convenient. Done"


Is that their idea of convenient?!

Is that their idea of SAFE?!

25 watt CFL's [Which is what most people will use to replace the old bulbs they are using now] have 5 milligrams of mercury per bulb. And given the fact that the bulbs are quite new and have yet to burn out and be disposed of in any significant number - no one knows for SURE just what the impact of those disposed of CFL's will have on the environment. In the U.S. alone it is quite possible that [From 2010 and beyond] anywhere from 80 to 100 MILLION improperly disposed of CFL light bulbs will will be dumped - literally - into our landfills each and every year. [And that information is from a PRO CFL light bulb website] The amount of mercury in that many CFL's will create an INTOLERABLE TOXIC BURDEN to the environment.

And that is exactly what we will be facing. Don't kid yourself.

The price we all ALL going to PAY for the enforced use of CFL's is going to be quite devastating.

But there is more to the story...

Many doctors - including Sanjay Gupta who most of us have seen on CNN - are very concerned about the effect CFL's will have on our HEALTH. [Even if they don't break] Dr. Gupta can't help but be concerned when it comes the effect of CFL's on migraine sufferers and those who have a history of epileptic 'fits'.

But the hell with them - right?


So I ask again...

At what ultimate cost?!

Now don't get me wrong - I think the there are many practical uses for CFL's. Apartment and office building hallways - for instance. And many other places where a light is always on. But to force people to use CFL's for EVERY SINGLE LIGHT they have in their home [With the exception of some appliances - like the oven] is a direct attack on the idea of freedom. Encourage the use of CFL's? Sure. And you can do that by making the cost of a CFL light bult about the same as the old incandescent light bulb. But to outright BAN [As Canada and other countries are about to do] is silly. And will quite possibly turn into one of the biggest environmental disasters that man has ever brought onto the world.

I say...

For the SAKE of the environment....

Do NOT ban the sale of incandescent light bulbs.

GBH - Craig!! :o)

President Barack Obama?!

Hi Everyone!! :)

I hope you're OK.

This is a serious post. It has to do with a GUT feeling I have regarding what I believe is a very real possibility of what MIGHT happen if it appears as though Senator Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. What I'm about to share with you has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Senator Obama would make a good President. In fact - what I'm about to say has nothing to do with him at all. At least not insofar as WHO he IS as a person. This is not a character assassination. But it is about an assassination all the same.

I am almost overwhelmed with the FEELING that IF it looks as though Senator Barack Obama will be the next President - he will be shot and [Quite possibly] killed by an American who believes that it is his 'duty' to keep a 'black man' from calling the White House 'home'. I believe that - as I write this very message - there are people in the U.S. [Perhaps even groups of people] who are playing a 'waiting game' to see just how 'close' Senator Obama can get to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And IF it looks as though Senator Obama will be the next President - someone from somewhere will do something in an attempt to keep that from happening. My GUT tells me that the attempt will be successful.

I actually find this gut feeling to be quite disturbing. Which is why I basically kept it to myself. [Out of my concern NOT to sound like an alarmist] But lately - after finding the courage to share these thought with a few people - I now realize that I'm not alone. Other people feel the same way. It is a genuine concern. And beyond the assassination [Or attempted assassination] of Senator Obama comes the fear of some very real, and very tragic consequences. [Beyond the death - or near death - of the Senator himself] His death would spark the powder keg known politely as America's poor race relations. Riots would break out all over the U.S. and many parts of many cities would literally burn. Think Rodney King's 'L.A. Riots' all over America. Very scary. And very possible.

According to an article on the MSNBC website dated May 3rd, 2007 - "The Secret Service said Thursday that Senator Barack Obama was being placed under their protection, the earliest ever for a presidential candidate. Officials said Obama had requested the protection."

And on The Larry King Show [A few years ago] Colin Powell and his wife Alma both discussed the fear for the safety of Colin Powell and the likelihood of Colin getting killed if he ran (and probably won) as the first 'black' candidate for the President of the United States.

I hope I'm wrong. I really hope I'm wrong. But anyone who knows even a little bit of the history of the U.S. knows that there are indeed Americans who will not be happy [To say the least] with the idea of a 'black man' being the President of the United States. So unhappy with the idea - in fact - that they will do [Or at least TRY to do] something about it.

GBH - Craig!! :)